Getting to 60

Getting to 60

“It” is old age that’s no longer just creeping, but is actually galloping up on us, the boomer generation, famous for, among other things, the skillful (and often expensive) denial of the inevitability of aging.

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Expat Realities: Is it the Journey or Is it the Destination?

Expat Realities: Is it the Journey or Is it the Destination?

Is it the actual return to our country of origin that appeals to us, or is it our natural restlessness, our need for new beginnings (or the imperative of endings) that pulls us away from our currently settled lives?

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So Many Books, So Little Time

So Many Books, So Little Time

I have set a goal of reading cover-to-cover 100 books for 2014, not an easy task because I get interrupted a lot by household chores, socials and other pleasurable obligations, such as putting out this online magazine.

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