Love, Patience and Renewal

Love, Patience and Renewal

We left the country to start life anew in a foreign land. It was a move that sprung not just from failure but more so from defiance.

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Alfafara Women

Alfafara Women

The blood that runs through our veins is the blood of women warriors and we are all the richer for it. 

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The End of Her World

The End of Her World

She waited that night, like any parent would, for a child coming home from war. Not wanting to waste a moment to open the door, she sat on her rocking chair, her senses alert to the ticking of the minutes and the sounds of the night.

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Take Back the Light

Take Back the Light

It is lonelier to be in a relationship that doesn’t work than to be actually alone. Trust me on this.

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Creative Subversion

Creative Subversion

It was a time for meeting kindred spirits in the unlikeliest of places and situations. It was also a time for looking deep inside oneself and finding out what's there, be it bravery or cowardice. Most of all, for the writers and artists who fought the regime, it was a time for creative subversion.

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After 9/11

After 9/11

I admit that I’m frantically ferreting out these instances of a united America amidst the increasing shrillness of the rhetoric of war that is now dominating the airwaves. 

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So Many Books, So Little Time

So Many Books, So Little Time

I have set a goal of reading cover-to-cover 100 books for 2014, not an easy task because I get interrupted a lot by household chores, socials and other pleasurable obligations, such as putting out this online magazine.

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Romantic Fugue

Romantic Fugue

She felt the intensity of the restlessness and the need to be free but didn’t yet have the words that could make him understand. 

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