[WEBINAR] Indipinos of Bainbridge Island

Last January 19, Positively Filipino held a webinar for the descendants of Indipino (Native American mothers and Filipino fathers) parents who grew up in Bainbridge Island, Washington who face discrimination to this day. The indipinos’ story was the subject of the documentary “Honor Thy Mother: The Untold Story of Aboriginal Women and their Indipino Children." The event was moderated by Peter Jamero, former Washington State Director for Vocational Rehabilitation; author of “Growing Up Brown: Memoirs of a Filipino American and Vanishing Filipino Americans; The Bridge Generation." The panel consisted of Gina Corpuz, daughter of Evelyn Williams, of the Squamish Nation, BC and Anacleto Corpuz from La Union, who is the executive producer of the film and an educator; Colleen Almojuela, daughter of Dorothy Nahanee of the Squamish Nation and Thomas Almojuela from Ilocos, a faculty member and advisor for the Native Studies Leadership Program; and Andrew Pascua, son of Mary Pascua of the Kwikwetlem Nation and Andres Pascua, and a former social and health administrator.

Due to a Copyright Agreement, we can only show the trailer of the documentary in this recorded webinar. If you want to order the film, please visit: https://indipinocommunityofbainbridgeisland.org/