[PARTNER] Happy Pilipinx American History Month! PAHM 2020

Happy Pilipinx American History Month! The Yuchengco Philippine Studies Program and Kasamahan are proud to present a full calendar of events commemorating the histories and cultures of the Philippine diaspora in the United States. While we cannot meet in person this year, YPSP and Kasamahan hope you will commune with us virtually. Our first event is the PAHM keynote, which is this Friday, October 9 from 6-7:30 PM. Professor Catherine Ceniza Choy (UC Berkeley) will be delivering our 2020 PAHM keynote (see attached flyers for the PAHM calendar and keynote). Dr. Choy's talk is: "Nursing Justice: A History of Filipino Immigrant Nurse Activism." To register for this Zoom event, please visit: https://rsvp.usfca.edu/nursing-justice

This event is open to the public. Feel free to share this and our entire PAHM calendar with students, family, friends, colleagues, and your respective networks. 
