Passing Time

Isn't January just whizzing by too fast?

The speed of time affects people differently at various stages of life. A teenager eager to do adult things or an adult awaiting a momentous event may consider the passage of days slow as molasses in winter. But new parents and seniors see time going by much too quickly. 

It's in our nature though to bookmark significant segments of time with mementoes, photographs and most of all, music. Songs have the power to transport us back to particular phases in our lives that may or may not be happy, but are important nonetheless because they were turning points that changed us or made us understand ourselves better. 

Last week, we asked you for the one song that shook your world and marked a valuable chunk of your lifetime. We've had a variety of responses that range from heart-rending to amusing. The question seems to have triggered some dormant memories and a few soul-searching.

We continue to collect responses, so keep them coming in time for our Valentine issue. Here's the solicitation again: 

Everyone has a love story and each love story has a national anthem. Tell us what the love song of your life is and why it will always have a place in your heart that can never be erased. (Please limit to 100 words or less.) Send to submissions[at]positivelyfilipino[dot]com. Or post on our Facebook page. Here are some:

"Crossroads" by Don McLean, because it will always bring back the memory of a carefree time when a guitar-strumming friend would spend afternoons singing my favorite songs.  –Rita S., Oakland, CA

"The Nearness of You" by Nat King Cole. My wife used to sing this to me all the time until she got sick and could no longer speak. Now that she's gone, I listen to this song to remind myself that I'm still able to feel emotions, not just numbing sorrow.  –Bert M., Pasay City

"Ngayon at Kailanman" by Basil Valdez. The memory (of the person) is hazy now, but the warm feelings that this song evokes still remains.  –Leila B., London, UK

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino