The Happy Home Cook: Vegan Lechon Paksiw

The Happy Home Cook: Vegan Lechon Paksiw

For the longest time, I thought Lechon Paksiw is impossible to veganize. After all, how do you veganize roasted pork? Enter the jackfruit.

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The Happy Home Cook: Paksiw na Lechon (Roast Pork in Homemade Liver Sauce and Vinegar)

The Happy Home Cook: Paksiw na Lechon (Roast Pork in Homemade Liver Sauce and Vinegar)

"The winds that wafted roast pig into our culture were strong ones," declared Doreen G. Fernandez, "engraving lechon indelibly in our lives. Lechon kawali, lechon Bocaue, lechon de leche; lechon por kilo; pigs roasted by hand at fiestas, mechanically in cities, in bakery ovens in the U.S.; litsunin stuffed with whatever is customary or desired (tanglad or lemon grass, tamarind leaves, mango leaves, or banana leaves; paella, tausi or salted soy beans, pork and beans even). Then, after the roast, paksiw na lechon."

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