Deja Vu in Mindanao

Martial law in Mindanao fills up all the news slots in the Philippines since President Rodrigo Duterte declared it a week ago. We focus our In The Know listings on analyses and news reports, to get you updated on what has been happening:

How A Military Raid Triggered Marawi Attacks

More Details Emerge on How Duterte Made Martial Law Decision

Is Martial Law the Right Response to ISIS?

Why People in Mindanao don't mind Martial Law

Priest Says He and 200 Others Are Being Held Hostage in the Philippines

As our Video of the Week, we feature journalist Howie Severino and the iWitness team of GMA7 network who flew to Marawi right after the martial law declaration to document the real situation in that war-torn city. Here's "Ilaw ng Marawi."

Switching to the more peaceful and enduring part of the Philippines, PF Correspondent Criselda Yabes visits Mayon Volcano for the first time and is rightfully awed. In "Volcano Lover," the well-traveled journalist realizes that "Mayon Volcano is the gorgeous lady you save for last." 

From Vancouver, Filipino artist Chito Maravilla is making waves with his eclectic art that a writer/collector describes as "Maravillaesque." PF Correspondent Rey de la Cruz reports.

Now that Memorial Day in the US has come and gone, summer barbecues are dominating family meals. PF Correspondent Elizabeth Ann Quirino has come up with a Peanut Sesame Pasta Salad that pairs well with the grilled meats and veggies that will surely be part of your summer table.


Who can best shine a light on that nostalgic place where a part of you still resides than you, whose childhood memories are full of the wonders of growing up in that special place? Write about your hometown and/or send us an old photograph with a description of how your hometown looks and how it makes you feel. 

Send to and we will post them so the whole world can share the wonder.

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino